prime of life

美 [praɪm əv laɪf]英 [praɪm ɒv laɪf]
  • 网络壮年;生命全盛期
prime of lifeprime of life


the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest
Synonym: prime


  1. He was barely 30 and in the prime of life .


  2. He is in the prime of life .


  3. Physical activity is for people in the " prime of life " .


  4. He was a man in the prime of life .


  5. Change of Hemorheology in 920 Patients in Prime of Life


  6. And only now my prime of life ;


  7. Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude .


  8. He was more than six feet high , was in the prime of life ,


  9. While you are in the prime of life , why not devote yourselves to a special field of study ?


  10. The current party leadership the prime of life , forging ahead in unity and full of fighting .


  11. Aristotle divided man into three stages by age : youth , the prime of life , and old age .


  12. She had the strength and sangfroid of a woman in the prime of life .


  13. RESULTS The total infection rate was 3.4 % . Most of these patients were in their prime of life and male as a result of traffic accident .


  14. It is an institutional defect which was not evident in the sixties because we were then in the prime of life .


  15. Immigrants tend to arrive with an age distribution tilted toward young adults , who are entering the taxpaying prime of life .


  16. When most people think of Olympic athletes , they think of young people who are in the prime of life and the peak of their athletic skills .


  17. We must establish a system under which people with specialized knowledge and in the prime of life are placed in posts which give full scope to their talents .


  18. when a man in the prime of life is fond of studying , he is like the sun at noon , with still half a day 's good time ahead ;


  19. As the schools ' mainstay , the middle-aged teachers are in their prime of life , have many experiences , and hold a considerable status and influence in schools .


  20. He was a man of medium stature , thickset and robust , in the prime of life , he might have been forty-six or forty-eight years old .


  21. " Prince 's chicken " mostly some growth good , the type of figure be big of green prime of life rooster , don 't easily grasp " prince 's chicken " of walk .


  22. Results In 17 years , there were 585 cases with ocular trauma , which was dominated by the youth and the persons at the prime of life and also was very common in children under 10 years old .


  23. Peasants at prime of life and at older age made up the major group of the infected , incidence rate 86.54 % . The sub-clinical infection rate of healthy people in the epidemic area was 1.98 % .


  24. A number of outstanding persons who are in the prime of life and have both ability and political integrity have been promoted to leading posts in both central and local departments of the Party , government and army .


  25. Most youth boxing coaches are retired professional athletes , in the prime of life age , running the shorter training period , less educated , imbalance of structural of knowledge , training level is not high . 2 .


  26. Friends are an aid to the young , to guard them from error ; to the elderly , to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action ; to those in the prime of life , to assist them to noble deeds .


  27. I 'm in the prime of my life and in perfect physical condition .


  28. He died in the prime of his life .


  29. That 's impossible . I 'm in the prime of my life .


  30. How could somebody in the prime of his life collapse suddenly like that ?
